Reflections on a Random Photographer
Have you ever handed your phone to a stranger to take a group photo? Besides the twinge of anxiety that he or she may abscond with your most precious piece of technology—a.k.a. your electronic right hand—you never know how good the results will be.
I’ve learned from trial and error that your best bet is the guy carrying an expensive camera around his neck. He probably knows a thing or two about composing a nice picture. Also good is the friendly woman who smiles and looks pleased to help. She has the patience to take shots of several poses to see which one you like best. But the frazzled mom with small children already has her hands full—and sticky. And the greatest generation is generally uncomfortable with such new-fangled telephone contraptions.
Alas, sometimes you have to settle for a warm body with a pulse to take your picture.
While my husband Mark and I were visiting family this summer, we took a trip with his mom to the coast to see Aunt Carla. Hello, Pismo Beach! Like many places of interest, this small town had spelled out its name in big letters as a backdrop for picture-takers and as a climbing wall for preschoolers. How fun!
With great expectations, I handed my phone to a young-ish woman who looked unencumbered by small people or packages. Then each member of our party scrambled to find the perfect letter to stand beside. I lucked out with the “M” and the “O.” “Mo” is what my high school buddies still call me.
I assumed that our recruited photographer would wait until we were all in position before she started snapping pics. I assumed wrongly. When we finally returned to the car and I reviewed the pictures, I discovered that the woman with a pulse had chronicled our entire journey to find the perfect pose. She took no less than 16 photos!
Most of the shots highlighted my sweet mother-in-love, Marilyn, who couldn’t make up her mind where she wanted to stand. Her various attempts to find a place were delightful. I burst out laughing. Then Mark looked over my shoulder. He got so tickled that tears came to his eyes. His merriment only increased mine.
I am sharing only the final print of the series, when we were all in position and ready for the photo session to begin. I could have included the earlier shots too, but somehow, I don’t think they would convey to you the same hilarity. You had to be there and know my amusing mother-in-love.
But as I reflect on a photo session gone awry, I suspect that for many of us, our most memorable moments were not the ones that were well-orchestrated. Instead, those spontaneous, accidental, chaotic, crazy encounters may best capture the humor of our messy, glorious lives.
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